
One Hundred and One Dalmatians

Of all of the last films Disney personally overlooked, One Hundred and One Dalmatians is an excellent movie for that time and even now. Released all the way back in 1961, this is possibly one of the best Disney animated classics.

The film opens with a catchy, yet mixed up opening, from flying spots to animations of the dogs running. I have to say, the animation is excellent, keeping all the spots accurate on each dalmatian, considering the fact that there are 101 of them. There are very few songs in the movie, just the catchy "Cruella De Vil" and the ending song "Dalmatian Plantation." The story is about Pongo, a bachelor dog with his bachelor owner, Roger. At the park, Pongo meets a female dalmatian named Perdita and Roger meets her owner, Anita, and they become married. But then the bad things happen, once Cruella De Vil, an old schoolmate of Anita, finds out that 15 puppies are to be born, she wants their fur to make coats.

But Roger is defiant and Cruella decides to have her henchmen, Jasper and Horace Badun, to steal the 15 puppies, and they do, along with 84 other puppies. Pongo and Perdita must find the puppies before anything happens.

Entertaining it is, this film had great animation for its time. THe songs are memorable, and the film is just a classic. An excellent Disney film like most of their classics.

