
Timberland Mens shoes carbon neutral practice- Let the low-carbon fashion_

Not brilliant stage lighting, no fancy tableaux, only natural wood and green. This is Timberland shoes hand in Beijing Environment Exchange, the building's first carbon neutral country concert.

November 11, Timberland shoes Star Live in Beijing held a theme of "guardian of the Earth 2010 - Earth Hero Majestic, "the concert, this concert by the Timberland shoes spokesman Wang Lee Hom portrait of Earth shows the guardian, and with the public The difference is that this concert will achieve carbon neutrality.

Assistant General Manager of Beijing Environment Exchange BI Jian-zhong in the "China Business " thatinterview is a true.The concert is the zero carbon goal, Timberland 6 Inch Boots invitation of Beijing Environment Exchange, and for various concert source of greenhouse gas emissions, the carbon footprint of a full range of data collection and measurement, such as 6 inch timberland bootsof participants Transportation, activities, power consumption, paper use and consumption of a large number of other materials and so on.

"The goal of carbon neutrality and carbon emission reduction credits through the purchase of a way to achieve, and the purchase of carbon emission reductionsDegrees are from the international standards of clean energy projects. A voluntary emissions trading in such widespread use of emission reduction.
Head has a measurable, reportable and verifiable professional quality. "BI Jian-zhong said to reporters, the concert is expected to 200 tons of carbon emissions within the carbon and the carbon emission reduction credits from Hunan Dongping voluntary reduction of 72 megawatts of hydropower projects, trading at 35 yuan per ton.

