I highly recommend Nick Broomfield's documentary film
on the subject of his death, titled "Kurt and Courtney". I won't go
into details of the film, except to say that I think it is a brilliant
film in so many ways. I have to say that I agree with Broomfield's
conclusion of the events: there was definitely something fishy in the
circumstances surrounding his death, but everybody who has anything of
substance to say on the matter is completely and totally unreliable
(sometimes hilariously unreliable, and other times depressingly so).
Throughout it all, the presence of the unflappable Broomfield really
gives the film a deadpan comic edge amid some ultimately depressing
subject matter.
Also, Gus van Sant's 2005 film, Last Days, while certainly not any kind of biopic, is nevertheless great, and makes you think of Kurt Cobain.