More than 16 years after Nirvana's Kurt Cobain committed suicide, his two surviving bandmates are reuniting for a project.
News that Novoselic would again be teaming up with Grohl on the upcoming Foo Fighters album sparked no small amount of searches. Web lookups on "krist novoselic" surged over 400% and related queries on "krist novoselic foo fighters" also cranked up the volume.
We assume that many of those searches came from folks who wondered what the lanky bassist been up to all these years. He's played in several bands, written for Seattle Weekly, and created a political action committee. He's also worked for and promoted election reform, and he became a published author in 2004. In short, he's been busy.
Astute fans of the Foo Fighters may already know that Novoselic provided uncredited background vocals for one of the band's earlier tunes. This newer collaboration looks to have a much higher profile. Crawdaddy writes that "it's the first time Krist will play bass along with Dave since Nirvana's last recording in '93."
And, the Nirvana connection doesn't stop with the two bandmates. Producing the upcoming album will be Butch Vig, who brought the landmark album "Nevermind" to the masses.
Fans probably shouldn't expect an album on par with "Nevermind" — after all, those are pretty rare. But Grohl is confident that fans will dig the new sounds. "I know the record and I can't wait til everyone else hears it," Grohl said. "Foo Fighter fans are going to freak out because honestly, it's awesome."