
Smells Like MK ULTRA

it's easy though to convince someone like Courtney to say anything. She's hardly a reliable source of information her self, not to discount her having suffered at the hands of an abusive father. But that being said...anyway. Generally speaking and all I've ever heard/read/been told etc is that they are put in the programs from MKULTRA really young, because once a person reaches a certain age, they can't fracture the psyche and achieve the split personalities or alters. But, then mind control is possible at any age, with the exception from about 15-20% of the population which are absolutely immune, or if someone is a starseed/indigo/off worlder incarnate they're also immune. And, the government could have easily built a group of others around Kurt to say that he was homeless etc, without empirical evidence to corroborate this. The drugs, like heroine and cocaine are used generally to enhance mind control ability. And we all know also to fund the black projects. But, ultimately little info is necessary here.

Some of the biggest things things that struck me and lead to the conclusion of murder. Biggest one was that the Police Reports did not match the crime scene or autopsy photos, actually hardly any of the Police Notes did. They "concluded" that he had stuck the shot gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger with his toe, which was physically impossible because the press photos even show he was wearing tennis shoes. Plus he had multiple times the deadly limit of drugs in his system, which was ignored pretty much. Yet, even with his "high drug usage" still would have killed him or knocked him out at the very least within a second or two. The suicide Note is another one, none of it was actually about killing himself with the exception of possibly? the last few lines but not even that was ultimately an indicator and was proven to be by several handwriting experts not matching the rest of the "note" and not even in his own hand writing. If he had stuck the shot gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger with his toe which was physically impossible, his head would have been blown in half, but it wasn't... fact is. The only GUN shot wound he had was to the side of his neck, and from a revolver and that was a post death shot because there wasn't even any blood or very minimal to my memory in the crime scene photos.

Plus there were 2-3 other murders (made to look like suicides) connected to this case, the bass player from Hole and that guy from the T-Shirt Shop that had been offered something like $50k to kill Kurt Cobain. But ended up being pushed infront of a oncoming train. The connecting factor in all this was that Guitarist Kirt Kurdison or something like that. Wasn't he the one that ended up eventually marrying Courtney?

Looking at all that and the rest of the evidence I saw, could it have been plausible for him/Kurt to have been part of an MKULTRA project? Yes, absolutely. It would make perfect sense, and america is so gullible they'd fall for his suicide hook, line and sinker. Look at everything else that has been pulled under the noses of Americans for decades.

You're welcome about the Mind Stuff.

