
Latest News: Is Kurt's spirit still earthbound?

Seattle: I know this sounds crazy, but trust me, this is the real

Just recently I had this conversation with this young woman who
showed me a photo of what she thought could be Kurt Cobain's

Let me start from the beginning. Being a fan who was heartbroken
by kurt cobain death, a certain time after Kurt's death, she believes it to in
in 1997, she visited Kurt's home. (171 Lake Washington Blvd., Seattle) She spent some time just sitting on a bench under a tree towards the back and to the left of Kurt's house where he died.

She took some pictures and gathered up some dirt from under the tree and saved it in a bag.

Later she had the film developed and was very surprised to see what appeared in one photo she had taken of a cat walking under the tree. Fortunetly she found out I was interested in all Kurt Cobain information and showed it to me.

Of course I was skeptical, but let me tell you, there was a definite human looking element in that wisping looking, ghostly form in that photo! I tried to talk her into sharing it with other Cobain fans, but she wasn't interested in sharing it at this time. But I haven't given up, I'll keep trying. And when I get a copy of it, I promise to share it with you!

One more thing, Jessica told me that later she read that Courtney Love had scattered some of Kurt's ashes under that same tree where she captured that image of Kurt's ghost! And then she mentioned that she thought the soil she retrieved from under the tree contained a small amount of ashes!

Could it be that she not only captured Kurt's ghost, but also has some of his ashes! I'll keep you informed when I get more info on this story.

